During 1672, which the Dutch refer to as the "disaster year", prime minister Johan de Witt and his brother were attacked by members of The Hague's civic militia. The brothers were shot and then left to the mob; their naked, mutilated bodies were strung up on the nearby public gibbet. The mob ate their roasted livers in a cannibalistic frenzy. Throughout it all, a remarkable discipline was maintained by the mob, according to contemporary observers.

— Wikipedia article on Johan de Witt. The first (and only) historically recorded case of... ANARCHO-CANNIBALISM.

A game (rushedly) made for Fuck Capitalism Jam 2024.

Your task is to popularize the anarcho-cannibalism movement. Print some propaganda flyers and distribute them throughout the city without getting arrested. You got only ten days to gain over 50% popular support throughout the city. But be careful, you have intel that a mole has infiltrated your organization.

Please note that this is a silly game, I don't intend to make any sort of point. I think this is obvious, but just in case.

Also, the game is not very good. I started coding before I fully designed the game mechanics, and then ran out of time. This is my first time publishing a game too, so feel free to give me some feedback if you feel like it. Anyway, here's the gist of the game in case you are lost: On the surface, the core mechanic consists in getting propaganda supplies and then distributing those supplies in the city to gain support, while crosschecking the mission reports to be able to identify the infiltrated mole that's sabotaging the missions. The real mechanic is understanding the underlying rules of the game.

If you're having too much trouble with it, here's some of those underlying rules. But reading them might make the game too easy, so I would recommend not reading any further unless you're stuck. Select the hidden text in (one or multiple of) the boxes below to be able to read them.


You don't need >50% support in all areas, just in the overall support ("Popular support" in the Info window). But there are some diminishing returns if you try to get too much support in a single area.
Even without sabotages, members can still get arrested or bring small amounts of supplies, but it's less probable.
Not all areas are equal, they have some differences in the amount of police presence, how easy is to get them to support the cause, etc.
Sending multiple members to the same area on a single turn can boost the level of support gained, but will increase the chances of getting arrested, particularly if you are also sending the mole to any area. You choose how much you want to risk it.
The mole will try to sabotage whatever mission they are sent to, but only that mission; that means that if you send the mole to gather supplies, you'll probably get fewer of them, but the mole won't affect members in the city; in the same way, sending the mole to the city will increase the chance of arrests, but won't affect members gathering supplies.
Published 20 days ago
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
GenrePuzzle, Simulation
TagsPoint & Click, resource-management, satire, Short, Singleplayer
Code licenseMIT License
Asset licenseCreative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse


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The game is very well polished. It's really cool how, in addition to publicizing and expanding the project, it's necessary to cut out the traitors. What a good game!